A dream

I had a dream last night.

I can’t remember all of it… but I remember that it struck my spirit.

I remember driving in a car and pulling over to a lot that had cars parked in it. There might have been a church in the background. Some people walked up, men, (actually I don’t remember seeing any women in the dream), and one of them collapsed to his knees.  The others looked at me, and then all at once there were men everywhere.  I remember them all being in suits, like they were dressed for a special occasion.  Then they all, at one time, fell to their knees and bent down their heads between their knees.  Complete silence.  I remember wondering if they were alive or dead.  I don’t know.  But I also felt a pulling upward.

I woke with an urgency to pray for those that are lost and dying.  I woke with an urgency to change my schedule and do something more for God.  We talk about the coming of God, but do we believe it?  Do we really believe in our heart that God is returning for His church?  Or have we become so immune to it because we have heard it for years?  I may see the coming of God in my lifetime… or I may not… Does that really matter?  Isn’t the point to be always watching and waiting?  Isn’t the point to reach as many people as we can while we are here.  I don’t know what my dream meant, if it meant anything… but I know what I felt!

I am writing this, because so often something happens in our life and we pass it by, we forget it.  We may think on it for a while, but then it is a thought replaced by the next idea or thought.  I didn’t want to forget this.  I don’t want to pass this by.  I want to accept that it might have been God urging me to do something before the world collapses around me, and I look around and see all those that could have been reached!

Lord, I pray that you continue to work in me.  Let me be pliable, and willing to be in your hands.  Let my life glorify you.  In Jesus Name!  Amen

One thought on “A dream

  1. Jay Jones says:

    So powerful. I agree completely with acting now on what God has brought into our hearts… Acting now before it’s either too late, or we lose our urgency. We need to have a very real sense of urgency, burden, whatever we want to call it, to reach this lost generation.

    Great thoughts, babe. Thank you for sharing them.

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