Category: Reflecting on Life
Random thoughts of the heart
You Are
Sensitive Enough to Hear
As I was reading in Genesis 22, about Abraham taking the journey to sacrifice his only son in obedience to God, a few things began to speak to me through the passage. 3And Abraham rose up early in the morning, and saddled his ass, and took two of his young men with him, and Isaac Read More
Memories of My Daddy’s Hands
It is 4:01am, and I woke up with my mind on my father.  I miss him so very much.  To have lost him, still blows my mind. Today, my husband and I will drive  a couple of hours away to celebrate the life of my father’s aunt.  She is one of those people that I Read More
Not Wanting to Forget
There are so many things that I have sorted thru, and filed this week… Â letters, jotted notes, legal and insurance papers, sticky notes, etc. Â In so much of it, I found where my father’s life and my life intertwined. Â He wanted to take care of those who he loved. Â He wanted to help us succeed. Read More
I Will Trust.
Lord, I don’t understand everything You do… I don’t think I should desire to. I only know to trust and believe that you love my father… more than me. You are a constant in this storm… a constant strength that I draw from. At times I feel so overwhelmed, but then you rush in and Read More
Happy New Year!
I can’t believe that 2010 is already over and we have launched into 2011. Â And, now, the first day of the year is almost over (11:52 pm). Every year, around this time, we think of what we could change about ourselves… how we will better ourselves, try harder to do this or that… etc. Â And Read More
Big Bang… in my cousin’s words
“I believe in the Big Bang theory; however, my definition of Big Bang is that when God spoke the words “Let There Be…”- His voice thundered time, space and light into existence in the combination we know as the Universe; the reverberation of that echo is what astronomers know as the cosmic microwave background. Dark Read More
Busy, Busy, Busy!!!
Just realized I haven’t posted on here much lately! Much has been happening. We are getting ready for Pentecost Sunday tomorrow (or should I say today?). I am excited about what God is going to do. We handed out around 1300 fliers today. Next week my focus moves from school, since Kelsea is finished with Read More