How Awesome…

How awesome, beautiful and powerful… The presence of the Lord! To stand in His presence… It allows you to really see who you are. At times so thick that you feel you could reach out and touch it… And yet, it is hugging you close, touching you. The things it does to your heart, changes Read More

Dear God…

While so very excited about what God did yesterday in our service. Seeing many that entered our doors for the first time… Seeing arms outstretched and lives being changed… Today, my heart is so heavy. Heavy with the burden for souls. Souls that have walked through doors of churches and have not returned again. Souls Read More

Big Bang… in my cousin’s words

“I believe in the Big Bang theory; however, my definition of Big Bang is that when God spoke the words “Let There Be…”- His voice thundered time, space and light into existence in the combination we know as the Universe; the reverberation of that echo is what astronomers know as the cosmic microwave background. Dark Read More